Download and read |
This function allows you to download and read ECH from INE website |
This function allows you to read ECH from a local folder |
Organize |
This function allows you to organize the variables names of ECH with reference in 2017. |
to_ascii |
Education |
This function allows you to calculate the people enrolled in school |
This function allows you to calculate the level of school completion |
This function allows you to calculate the highest level of education achieved |
This function allows you to fix education variables from 2021 |
This function allows you to calculate the years of schooling |
Demographic |
This function allows you to calculate age groups |
This function allows you to calculate the household type for each household in the survey. A household is composed of one or more people who occupy a housing unit. |
Dwelling |
This function allows you to calculate the housing conditions |
This function allows you to calculate the housing status |
This function allows you to calculate the housing situation |
This function allows you to calculate the housing tenure |
This function allows you to calculate overcrowding in the household |
Employment |
This function allows you to identify activity branches |
This function allows you to calculate the variables: PEA, PET, PO, PD |
This function allows you to identify workers with employment restrictions |
This function allows you to identify underemployed people |
Income |
This function allows you to get the Basket goods |
This function allows you to calculate a deflator coefficient |
This function allows you to calculate the household income constant prices |
This function allows you to calculate the Household Income Quantiles |
This function allows you to calculate the labor income per capita |
This function allows you to calculate the labor income per hour |
This function allows you to fix ht11 from 2013 to 2015 |
Poverty |
This function allows you to calculate an integrated poverty measure |
This function allows you to calculate poor and indigent people or household |
This function allows you to calculate de Unsatisfied Basic Needs |
Estimations |
This function allows you to estimate the Gini coefficient |
This function allows you to estimate the Gender Pay Wage Gap (GPG) |
This function allows you to estimate mean variable at universe level. |
This function allows you to estimate median variable at universe level. |
This function allows you to estimate de Income Quintile Share Ratio |
This function allows you to estimate ratio variables at universe level. |
This function allows you to estimate total variable at universe level. |
This function allows you to set the survey desing |
Datasets |
A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Interior Urbano region |
A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Montevideo region |
A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Interior Rural region |
A dataset containing variables names change of the ECH 2006-2018 |
A dataset containing the IPAB |
A dataset containing the IPAB for the Interior region |
A dataset containing the IPAB for the Montevideo region |
A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 |
A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 only for the Interior region |
A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 only for the Montevideo region |
A dataset containing only 1000 raws of the ECH 2018 |
A dataset containing only 1000 raws of the ECH 2018 income variables |
A dataset containing the urls of INE datasets and diccionaries |
Utils |
Extract compressed archives |
This function allows you to organize dates |
This function allows you to labelled variables |
The known path for unrar or 7z |
Geo |