This function allows you to calculate the housing status
data = ech::toy_ech_2018,
n = 1,
ht19 = "ht19",
d9 = "d9",
d10 = "d10",
d11 = "d11",
d12 = "d12",
d13 = "d13",
d16 = "d16",
d18 = "d18",
d19 = "d19",
c2 = "c2",
c3 = "c3",
c4 = "c4",
quintil = "quintil",
region_4 = "region_4"
number of deprivations to consider. Default 1
Variable name of number of individuals in the household
Variable name of number of rooms
Variable name of number of rooms to sleep
Variable name of principal source of potable water
Variable name of water supply network / water access
Variable name of sanitary facilities
Variable name of sewerage facilities
Variable name of energy source for lighting
Variable name of cooking space
Variable name of predominant material on external walls
Variable name of predominant roofing material
Variable name of predominant flooring material
Variable name of income quintil
Variable name of region
Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product. Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
Other dwelling:
# \donttest{
toy_ech_2018 <- income_constant_prices(data = ech::toy_ech_2018)
#> Variables have been created:
#> y_pc (income per capita current prices / ingreso per capita a precios corrientes);
#> y_pc_d (income per capita deflated / ingreso per capita deflactado);
#> rv_d (rental value deflated / valor locativo deflactado);
#> y_wrv_d (income without rental value deflated / ingreso sin valor locativo deflactado) &
#> y_wrv_pc_d (income without rental value per capita deflated / ingreso sin valor locativo per capita deflactado)
toy_ech_2018 <- income_quantiles(data = toy_ech_2018)
#> A variable has been created:
#> quintil (quintil de ingresos)
toy_ech_2018 <- housing_deprivation(data = toy_ech_2018)
#> Variables have been created:
#> overcrowding (Carencia: Hacinamiento);
#> bathroom (Carencia: Banio (Minimo un banio));
#> rooms (Carencia: Ambientes adecuados(cocina, comedor, estar diario));
#> roof_materials (Carencia: Techo adecuado);
#> wall_materials (Carencia: Paredes adecuadas);
#> floor_materials (Carencia: Pisos adecuados);
#> water (Carencia: Agua);
#> running_water (Carencia: Red general para el agua o pozo);
#> sewerage (Carencia: Desague);
#> electricity (Carencia: Red electrica);
#> housing_deprivation_q (Suma de carencias habitacionales) &
#> housing_deprivation (Carencia habitacional en relacion al parametro n)
# }